From 31 January to 3 February 2023, final workshop on the 10th anniversary of the cooperation project between the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and Fukushima Prefecture in the field of remediation of the impact of the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daichii power plant on the population and the environment was held at the Fukushima Prefecture Centre for Environmental Creation (FPCEC) in Miharu. Research results covering the areas of monitoring, decontamination, radioactive waste management and dissemination of information to the public were presented at the workshop. In addition to the presentation by IAEA experts and Fukushima Prefecture representatives, only three other external lectures requested by the IAEA were presented. One of them was a presentation by the National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO) and ENKI Třeboň, entitled "The use of biogas technology in the disposal of contaminated agricultural biomass" (Jan Škrkal, Petr Rulík, Jiří Hůlka, Aleš Froňka). The presentation included the results of a research project supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic VI20172020098 and became an inspiration for Japanese researchers. It is worth mentioning that IAEA experts repeatedly mentioned in their presentations the results of SÚRO in other research areas (e.g. the lecture of Prof. George Shaw from the UK on Radioecological Monitoring & Management of Forests). The application of some of the outputs of SÚRO research projects with an international scope proves the high level of applied research in the field of radiation protection carried out in the Institute's specialized laboratories and departments.