The IAEA and the National Radiation Protection Institute of the Czech Republic (SURO) agreed upon Practical Arrangements on 16 September 2015 in Vienna. Signatories to the Arrangements were Deputy Director General of the IAEA, Mr Denis Flory, and the Director of SÚRO, Mr Zdenek Rozlívka.
The Practical Arrangements set forth the framework for cooperation between the IAEA and SURO in the area of radiation safety technical services. The primary user of the Arrangements will be the Individual Monitoring Services Group in the IAEA's Radiation Safety Technical Services Unit. The objective is to ensure back-up capabilities are in place, and to ensure routine and emergency monitoring capabilities are continuously available.
The activities in which cooperation is to be pursued include the following:
- Individual monitoring for assessing occupational exposure due to external sources of photon, neutron and beta radiation (whole body, extremity and lens of the eye dosimetry)
- Provision of irradiation, calibration and verification services for equipment and dosimeters at NRPI SSDL facilities
- Assistance and cooperation in whole body counter measurements (high energy photons above 100 keV and low energy photons below 100 keV)
- Assistance and cooperation in indirect methods of measurement of alpha, beta and gamma emitters in human excreta (urine, faecal, saliva and nose blow samples)
- Assistance and cooperation in dose assessment for routine and special monitoring (including monitoring when dose limits have been exceeded)
- Assistance and cooperation in design and potential improvements of the Quality Management System
- Assistance and cooperation in simulation and modelling applied to whole body counting and internal dosimetry
- Assistance and cooperation in retrospective dosimetry; radon and radon progeny measurements and dosimetry; development of national radon strategies; and research related to applications which could become accredited, etc.