SAFECAST bGeigie Nano accompanying document - translations

Z Czechrad
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SAFECAST bGegie Nano accompanying document is designed to briefly explain what bGeigie Nano is, how does it work etc. to anyone. Just 2 pages you can print on one sheet of paper (A4 format). It can help you on your travels in cases where, for example, airport security personnel are interested in the device. More detailed advice on traveling with Safecast can be found on the page Cestujeme s přístrojem Safecast.

Preview of the English version of the accompanying document

The following languages ​​are currently available:

Čeština (Czech)

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano - průvodní list

author: Jan Helebrant

info: PDF, 880,5 KB, version 2015-09-19

download here

Dutch / Nederlands

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano begeleidend document

author: Paul Dolk

info: PDF, 861,7 KB, version 2017-06-05

download here


SAFECAST bGeigie Nano accompanying document

authors: Jan Helebrant, Jelena Burianová

info: PDF, 862,3 KB, version 2015-09-25

download here

Finnish / Suomi

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano saatedokumentti

author: Joonatan Partanen

info: PDF, 1.13MB, version 2019-06-26

download here

French / Français

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano document d'accompagnement

author: Tereza Svobodová

info: PDF, 863,2 KB, version 2015-09-25

download here

German / Deutsch

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano Begleitdokument

author: Christian Michel

info: PDF, 865 KB, version 2015-09-20

download here

Hindi / हिन्दी

सेफ्कास्ट (SAFECAST) bGeigie नैनो मशीन की जानकारी

author: गिरीश भाटिया (Girish Bhatia)

info: PDF, 906,5 KB, version 2019-04-21

download here

Hebrew / עברית

מסמך נלווה ל-"סייפקסט ביגייגי ננו" SAFECAST bGeigie Nano

author: Yohanan Weininger

info: PDF, 909,01 KB, version 2015-09-22

download here

Italian / Italiano

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano Opuscolo informativo

authors: Matteo Mortari, Daniele Masini

info: PDF, 857,96 KB, version 2017-05-23

download here

Japanese / 日本語

SAFECAST bGeigieナノ付随文書

author: 中島千晶 (Chiaki Nakajima)

info: PDF, 907.8 KB, version 2015-10-22

download here

Kazakh / Қазақ

SAFECAST bGeigie Нано ілеспе бет

author: Александр Новиков (Alexandr Novikov)

info: PDF, 900.8 KB, version 2016-03-18

download here

Portuguese / Português

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano documento de acompanhamento

author: Felipe Maciel

info: PDF, 864,4 KB, version 2016-03-18

download here

Persian / فارسی

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano - سند همراه

author: ترجمه فارسی توسط Reza Mirchi

info: PDF, 931.2 KB, version 2017-02-08

download here

Russian / Русский

bGeigie Нано сопроводительный лист

author: Jelena Burianová

info: PDF, 900,4 KB, version 2015-09-20

download here

Slovak / Slovenčina

Safecast bGeigie - sprievodný list

author: Jana Timková

info: PDF, 864,5 KB, version 2015-12-13

download here

Spanish / Español

Safecast bGeigie - documento de acompañamiento

author: Anonymous volunteer

info: PDF, 862,88 KB, version 2015-12-03

download here

Swedish / Svenska

Safecast bGeigie Nano Snabbguide

author: Daniela Ekendahl

info: PDF, 864,5 KB, version 2015-10-25

download here

Thai / ไทย

เอกสารประกอบ SAFECAST bGeigie Nano

author: Kampanart Silva

info: PDF, 926,81 KB, version 2018-10-08

download here

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan & Hong Kong) / 中國傳統

SAFECAST bGeigie Nano 隨附文件

author: CHIU, Po-Shen (

info: PDF, 909.4 KB, version 2015-10-21

download here

Ukrainian / Украинский

Safecast bGeigie Nano Cупровідний документ

author: Вадим Пікта (Vadym Pikta)

info: PDF, 898.9 KB, version 2016-03-19

download here

taken from with permission of the author